Wednesday 1 May 2013



Curds & Whey love their Cheesemakers who keep getting better and better.  We support them and they support us - so we thought you would like to read some of the comments we have received in the past few weeks:
Our skilled home artisans
Thanks for all your help and friendliness.  The creme fraiche made with Sacco MO 030 has turned into something wonderful. LF
I am delighted with the Sacco culture you sold to me (Lyofast M 036 R). However, it will be running out soon, I fear, so I was wondering if you have more … RN
I did appreciate your enclosure of recipe and your general helpfulness.You run a very nice service. SR
What a huge success! We love these divine little cheeses (Coulommier): we made 3 small ones from 3L of silver top milk and have sampled the first wee round after 10 days ripening. IT’S lovely but can we keep our knives off the next two which are ripening for longer?  Hopefully until  molten in the middle with a soft crust on the outside. ….. and when we’ve got the ripening length to satisfaction well there’s the 5L milk cheese to make into a sort of “Brie-de-Meaux. FC
Thanks again for the advice, the yoghurt culture is great (Lyofast Y450B) much better than anything I have purchased so far since moving to NZ. PU
And we support the innovative commercial cheesemakers who are alive and well in NZ
The support from the Anchar team is exactly what we need and I will enjoy plucking information and placing orders. DJ - KC